5 Easy Tips In Lowering The Action On An Electric Guitar

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Establishing the action on the guitar is a simple adequate adjustment that can dramatically boost the method your guitar plays. A badly set up guitar gives a tough and irregular playing experience, which can rob players of their incentive to play!

Therefore, it needs to lower the action; however, What are the ways in lowering the action on an electric guitar?

That’s where we can help. As a brand-new guitar player, you must know guitar action and exactly how to change it. The guitar action settings ensure the ideal tone and simplicity of playing. Certainly, the electric guitar string height plays a vital function in the way the guitar sounds.

Before we starting giving you tips on lowering the action on an electric guitar, you should also learn a few more things. For instance, what guitar action is and how to gauge it. Let’s start!

What Is Guitar Action?

So what is action on a guitar, The guitar’s action refers to the strings’ height above the fretboard. Action is usually gauged at the 12th fret. However, it can also be determined at the 1st fret. “High action” describes guitar strings located much above or away from the fretboard. The reverse is true regarding guitars or cheap guitars with strings positioned closer to the fretboard.

Action or string elevation plays an important role in the playability and comfort of the guitar. Incorrect action can not just make a guitar awkward but also create issues with tuning and intonation.

Generally, the greater the action on a guitar, the harder and more unpleasant the guitar is to play. The lower the action; the easier and more comfortable the guitar is to play. Typically, an action setup is a concession between having the strings high enough not to buzz on the frets and low enough for comfortable playability.

If you got an expensive guitar in a songs shop and found it unpleasant to play, maybe the the action is not correctly set. This discomfort has nothing to do with the price on the guitar; it is probably not setup properly.

What triggers high action on a guitar?

Tips In Lowering The Action On An Electric Guitar

Before changing the action, it is necessary to recognize its root causes and why it must be reset. It is hard to identify the troubles and appropriately set the action without knowing what affecting your guitar. Several factors contribute to poor or high activity on your electric guitar.

Use and abuse

Guitars are meant to be played. Even if you don’t abuse your guitar, signs of wear will increase if you play it regularly. At some point, heavy playing can wear down the nut and saddle pieces triggering problems with the action. These are both very usual in electric guitars.

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Temperature and Humidity

As with all wooden things, guitars are impacted by temperature level and Humidity. Humidity adjustments particularly influence guitars. Extreme and fast modifications in either of these elements will transform the shape of the timber.

When the air gets humid, your guitar can soak up moisture and the wood can expand or swell. Lack of humidity makes just the opposite happen.

When the air gets humid, your guitar can absorb wetness, and the wood can increase or swell. The absence of moisture makes the opposite happen. Radical modifications in temperature levels can cause the same thing.

Both temperature and moisture can trigger the neck to bow or even warp. Temperature level plays a significant role in guitar setups which can be conveniently solved via an expert guitar repairer.

Modifications in string tension

Strings put a considerable quantity of tension on the neck of the guitar. A lot of guitars use altered tunings as a result of influences like Andy Mckee as well as Don Ross. A few of these altered and drop tunings don’t appear ideal with light gauge strings, which is why some guitarists like switching over to larger gauge strings. Altering from a high to low or a low to high-tension string can cause a back bow or alleviation in the neck.

Measure the Guitars Action

Before lowering the guitar action, it is better to measure it. The range from the strings’ bottom to the top of the fret plays an important function in an arrangement. It represents exactly how easy to fret each note and how aggressive you can play.

The action settings differ for different styles of players. In any way, you’ll need an action gauge or ruler. There is a range of rulers available in the market to measure more details.

The action settings differ for various styles of players. At all, you’ll require an action gauge or ruler. A series of rulers is available on the market to determine even more details.

You can measure guitar action by doing the following:

  • Tune The Guitar: Before checking whether the action is high or low, you need to tune the guitar initially. Ensure the neck relief is straight. You are also required to adjust your truss rod, also.
  • Place The Ruler Over The Fret: At this point, you’ll need to put the action gauge or ruler over the 12th fret. Ensure the ruler ticks are parallel to the strings.
  • Raise Or Lower The Action And Read The Measurement: Every person’s setting choice varies, so so raise or lower the action accordingly. Then, review the analysis in the ruler from the bottom of the string. Repeat the same for various other strings on your electric guitar.

Tools You’ll Need In Lowering The Action On An Electric Guitar

Here’s a list of guitar repair tools that you will need in lowering the action on an electric guitar the right way.

1. StewMac Basic Guitar Setup Kit

2. String Action Gauge Height Ruler

3. String and Fretboard Radius Gauge

4. Action Adjustment Kit

Ways On Lowering The Action On An Electric Guitar

Your electric guitar action adjustments rely on what is wrong with your guitar. The high or low action can be readjusted by taking care of the truss rod or repairing the nut or neck. Below are three easy steps in lowering the action on an electric guitar.

Step 1: Change the Truss Rod

First step in lowering the action on an electric guitar is changing the truss rod, The truss rod is a metal item decorated inside the neck that provides flexibility to the neck. It can be tightened or release to align or flatten the neck. The neck straightness causes high or reduces action problems. If the action misplacement occurs because of the incorrect truss rod arrangement, change where you want it to be.

Step 2: Adjust the Nut or Neck

First step in lowering the action on an electric guitar is Adjusting the Nut or Neck, When the neck is not as flat as you want, you can inspect the action at the nut. You’ll need to file down the nut if the string is still higher. The action at the neck is gauged at the first fret.

Step 3: Adjust the Bridge

Mostly, action displacement takes place as a result of the bridge set up. The electric guitar has various bridge styles, so you need to adjust them in various ways. Below is exactly how;

Adjust Fender Bridge

    • At first, adjust the reduced E-string height by lowering or elevating the saddle. Establish the saddle height that suits your playing style. Ensure to make use of the appropriate wrench size.
    • After that, readjust both set screws as well as retuning the guitar. Take an action measurement on the 12th. Play the guitar to examine the playability. If all ok, readjust the remainder of the string at the same distance.
Adjust Gibson Bridge
    • Originally, measure the activity at the 12th fret and examine whether you require lower or increase it.
    • Modify the bridge height by turning the slot-head screw.
    • Set the treble side action at about 1/64th of an inch lower, or find the elevation that ideal suits your playing style.
    • Ensure to fine-tune the height of the stop bar tailpiece. Keep in mind lowering the stop bar will certainly increase the string tension.
Adjust Action On Tune-O-Matic Bridge
    • Measure the action height on both low and also high E-strings. You need to change one or both if called for.
    • To change the low E-string, turn the screw on the bridge post to the next reduced E-string.
    • Retune the guitar and re-measure until you get the right height.
    • Retune the guitar and re-measure up until you get the appropriate height.

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